Catharine Craven, MD, FRCPC
EMD Risk, Health Services and Systems Laboratory​
B. Catharine (Cathy) Craven, BA, MD, MSc, FRCPC is the Medical Lead of the Toronto Rehab Lyndhurst Centre Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program and the Lead Senior Scientist in the Neural Engineering and Therapeutics Team at Toronto Rehab’s Lyndhurst Centre within University Health Network. Dr. Craven is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Institutes of Rehabilitation Science and Health Policy Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, Canada. After completing a BA in Kinesiology at York University, Dr. Craven completed her Medical training and residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at McMaster University, and then completed training as a Clinical Scholar in Spinal Cord Injury and a Master’s in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Craven has served as the Co-Chair of the 1st through 7th National SCI conference ( ) in Canada, Scientific Officer for the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chair of the Rick Hansen Institute CARE Committee, Inaugural Chair of the newly founded Canadian Spinal Cord Injury – Rehabilitation Association. Dr. Craven holds research funding from the Craig H. Nielsen Foundation, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Rick Hansen Institute, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation and Physician Services Inc. Dr. Craven was the 2017 CAPMR Award of Merit Recipient. Dr. Craven’s current research focuses on reducing Endocrine Metabolic disease (fracture, heart disease, and diabetes) risk after spinal cord injury and enhancing health services for patients with SCI in Canada by 2020 through leadership of the E-Scan Atlas ( )and SCI-HIGH projects ( Dr. Craven has published over 125 papers on related topics.
Dr. Craven's Lab Website
University Health Network
SCI-HIGH PROJECT: Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation High Performance Indicators
Twitter: @SCIHighProject
RIISC TEAM (ONF-REPAR) Rehabilitation Interventions for Individuals with SCI In the Community Research Team
VIP4SCI (SCI-O): Virtual Information Platform for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Central Recruitment
ROBaCO: Rosuvastatin for Bone and Cardiometabolic Outcomes Trial (NCT #03113994)
CHOICES: Cardiovascular Health/Outcomes: Improvements created by Exercise and Education for SCI
RECON: SCI Rehabilitation Translational Continuum Team
RHSCIR: Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry